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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Matthew 11:30 is unquestionably a verse of comfort, invitation, and care. This was the Gospel today. We had a surprise and Father Jack was back for one more mass! His sermon was per his habit, insightful and inspiring. The sermon was framed in the form of a question: are you really free on this day before the celebration of the 4th of July? Are you free from the burden of addiction, of overwork, small mindedness, etc?

I think I am journeying towards greater independence from a number of things. Once I accomplish a small success in this area, the feeling of liberation stimulates me to work further toward the goal. I have to be mindful of many of the other lessons gospels on past Sundays have taught which carry themes that do not necessarily coordinate with this theme. There is a time for a call to peace, rest, and relief. Then there are times when we are called to action, to put father against son, in the name of Jesus. I think these differing ideas can coexist, and greater Bible knowledge and the blessed tincture of wisdom from the Holy Spirit are the reconciling forces.

Another issue that was presented was Parish Council discernment. I would like to participate in that, and possibly be chosen to be on the St. Agnes Parish Council. I feel, however, that I will need to do some reading and study to learn more about the issues that are facing parish councils and try to get information about recent business at St. Agnes.

The other 2 readings today are good to ponder, the second reading which was Rom 8:9, 11-13. Here Paul wrote "you are not in the flesh." Additionally, the first reading was Zechariah 9:9-10. This message proclaimed the coming of the king, "a just savior is he."

Next up: overdue to write several book reviews. Please check back often for new posts!

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