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Friday, September 9, 2011

Blind leading the blind?

Gospel Lk 6:39-42

Jesus told his disciples a parable:
"Can a blind person guide a blind person?
Will not both fall into a pit?
No disciple is superior to the teacher;
but when fully trained,
every disciple will be like his teacher.

In this passage, I'm reminded of the need for direction from the teacher. In my case I consider all my Catholic resources to be a collective "teacher, " foremost of which is Christ in the gospel. In turn I would like to help bring new vision and hope to others who may be in need. Further in the gospel is the metaphor of the "plank in your own eye." This reminds me of the need to avoid judgment in my fellow man especially in light of my own sinfulness.

One of the greatest instruments of vision in today's techologic society is of course the internet. I have been impressed with the way in which God's work can be facilitated with this tool. Bible passages are only a few search terms away. Organizations have found ways to reach out with their websites. In my case, I have been blessed and greatly enriched by developing this blog and the accompanying weekly audio session. Unfortunately I was not pleased with the quality of yesterday's podcast and I was going to rerecord it. Instead, I'll develop a better podcast for next week. By better I mean, better transitions, use of music, and other features as well as greater insight on my part and methods of transmitting the full excitement, glory and praise of Jesus Christ. That way He can become real in my life and that of any listeners and readers of the blog.

Pope Benedict XVI has commented on the need for acknowledgment of Jesus' presence in our lives and of His reality. May I become a humble channel for this great goal and may we, God's children, praise Him for His goodness and thank Him for our many blessings.

A glorious way to praise God is by praying the Rosary. The recitation is explained on a sheet that is in the public domain, found at this link. I have only recently revived this prayer for myself and find great moments of peace and spiritual communion with these prayers, and encourage you to rediscover them as well. God bless!

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