I have presumed to ask this question and to discuss it because of its importance to me. How do I arrive at the answer (which one would assume will be yes, but can I be persuasive in this topic)? The fact is, I don't look forward to going to Sunday Mass. I have tried to become enthusiastic. I tried printing the readings ahead. I have started this blog, over a year ago. I have studied a few lectures from an on-line seminary. I have attended small Catholic group sessions. All of these efforts have been extremely fruitful to my spiritual development. So why don't I look forward to Sunday Mass?
I think I want God to be present at Mass. I want my soul and spirit to be spoken to. I want to feel enthused, connected, loved and protected. My part of the bargain: showing up. God's part: inspire me.
Well, I am learning that God's part of the bargain doesn't depend on my showing up. He promises to be present, wherever 2 or more are gathered in his name. There He is. He doesn't require red satin stoles, gold chalices, marble, brass, candlesticks or pipe organs. He merely requires us to be present in his name.
I am grateful for my faith because it has strengthened me on many occasions and been a great comfort. Through my faith, I have tried to do God's will in my interactions with others. God's obligation to us was fulfilled three times, first in man's creation. The second time was the covenant of Moses. And finally with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
My feelings about Mass reflect where I am and who I am. I am not a leader (yet!). I am not together, or with it. In fact, I am tired. But when I step foot in church today to attend Mass, I will give glory to God. I will thank him for what he has done for me. I am so blessed. Because God has a plan for my local priest, for my parishoners, and for me, I will pray that all of us, together, will praise God's name and do his will. I will partake of the sacraments. And I will open my life for God to do his work through me. That will be my pledge. May I make a difference in my church family for the glory of God! AMEN.
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