Mt 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8
Jesus sent out these Twelve after instructing them thus,
"Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
As you go, make this proclamation: 'The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.'
Cure the sick, raise the dead,
cleanse lepers, drive out demons.
Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
This gospel reading from the lectionary for today, shows the central message of Jesus. I did not quote the entire reading but was particularly interested in the mention of "The Kingdom of heaven" being at hand. In recent books such as "Love Wins" and others, different interpretations of what is meant by this phrase are proposed. The meaning may include the traditional impression of heaven, our destination if we are worthy after we die. But as well, the Kingdom may indeed be here on earth. To be experienced now, if we have faith in Jesus Christ and follow his will. I would propose that anyone can experience the love and the presence of Jesus Christ by joining a Christian community and participating. Read the gospel. Meet and get to know Godly people. The Catholic Church is ready to welcome you and help you to join the Kingdom. Start with one person and show your willingness to learn about the Kingdom.
What you can expect once you start down this path is a great sense of peace and purpose for your life. Also you will experience not only the love that God gives us but your own potential to love God's children on earth. You will seek truth. You will discard sinful ways. Not all of this can happen at once. But I do promise you will amaze yourself and find that God is not hidden from us. On the contrary he is alive, here with us, and we can feel and experience this once we are open to this.
Moses observed that the people of Israel that were his sheep, often had the fault of keeping their hearts cold and hard. They were not open to God at certain times in their history. We all have the same pitfall that is in our nature. I promise you that it is also in the nature of the creation of God for us to have a heart that can soften, can open up and trust. Start this now!